Monday, November 16, 2009

What do you think ...

How do you all do it?  What's the secret?  I am so worried that I will never be prepared for my "coming out" Friday night.  I am participating in an 8th grade fundraiser.  A bunch of companies are asked to set up demonstrator tables - they can bring product inventory, crafts,  etc. I will be the only stampin' up demonstrator there.  The goal is to get orders and donate a percentage of your sales to the fundraiser.  I am so nervous.  I need to make a form so that I can take names and interests down, prepare catalogs and order forms, come up with some crafts and cards to set out .... then I have to be at a craft fair at 8am Saturday morning.  I fear I will not have enough crafts.  I am looking for some quick, simple ideas.  I used the top note and put these little treat bags together today.  I think fear has me frozen!  And I have finals on Sunday (did I mention my mother in laws retirement party is Saturday night?)  Feel free to toss some ideas my way ... LOL. 
Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!


Sarah said...

Definitely get a form for peoples phone numbers and emails and leave it out with a pen. If you have any cards put them out for sale. I did a open house the other day with multiple vendors... people didn;t want to order they wanted to walk away with stuff in their hands...My cards sold really well...not my CTMH stuff though. People were really interested in calendars..if SU has any I would showcase these. I would have clipboards with pens and order forms/ cattys and your business cards ready to go. Does SU have a perpetual calendar???? Those kinds of calendars are very popular.
Good will be just fine....OHHH bookmarks..easy to make and very useful...great gift can you make a few of those????

JustNeedling said...

These are great! Hope you get a lot of sales and lots of bookings too.
Never done a craft fair before so I have no pointers or ideas for you.